Investment Overview

The Strategy offers exposure to a diversified portfolio of high quality, non-U.S. large-cap companies judged to be adequately managing their material ESG risks and opportunities.

Investment Philosophy

We seek to provide high total return by investing in sustainable business models that can deliver value over the long-term. Our beliefs:
We believe the real value in a stock lies in its ability to Compound earnings over time.
For this reason, we focus on the long-term ownership of companies with Sustainable Businesses.
A strategy that seeks to balance Upside Potential with Downside Protection has the potential to create sustainable wealth for clients.
Most investors price stocks for mean reversion. Our edge is identifying and owning companies that do not revert to the mean.

Investment People

8 person team with an average of 16 years experience with professionals in Boston and London
Supported by the broader Calvert equity group with over 50* investment professionals
Analyst-driven process with collaborative culture
High levels of accountability, with distinct lines of responsibility
*Portfolio managers, analysts, and traders including U.S. and Global/International Equity team members.


A holistic investment approach that focuses on integrating ESG and traditional equity analysis
Portfolio exercises ensure team ownership, encourage collaboration and test biases
Leverage proprietary tools that provide a common framework through which to understand the quality and sustainability of a business
Engages with companies in areas where we identify the potential for ESG improvement

Portfolio Construction

30-40 common equity holdings**
Positioned for capital appreciation and long-term compounding
Alpha driven by bottom-up stock selection
Positioned for capital preservation
Companies in the portfolio meet the Calvert Principles for Responsible Investment
**The number of securities/holdings indicated is the current range typically associated with this type of account and will vary depending on account size, client parameters and market conditions prevailing at the time of investment.

Investment Team

Christopher M. Dyer, CFA

Managing Director, Co-Head of Eaton Vance Equity

Ian Kirwan

Managing Director, Co-Head of Eaton Vance Equity Global Team, Portfolio Manager, Analyst





Calvert Research and Management is an SEC registered investment adviser and wholly owned subsidiary of Eaton Vance Management.