Balanced strategy that combines Calvert's ESG research with Eaton Vance's expertise in bottom-up, fundamental equity and fixed income research. Strategy employs a straightforward, strategic allocation approach, generally consisting of 60% equities and 40% fixed income. |
Strategy is supported by three deep and cohesive teams that leverage the expertise and resources from their respective departments |
The Calvert Principles for Responsible Investment guide the investment process, which seeks to identify and evaluate financially material ESG opportunities and risks |
The equity portfolio focuses on quality companies identified through a combination of independent ESG analysis and differentiated fundamental research |
The fixed income portfolio seeks consistent risk-adjusted returns through a combination of sector allocation, security selection, duration and yield curve positioning |
ESG research also informs engagement efforts on financially material issues |
Long-term, strategic asset allocation target of 60% equities and 40% fixed income. Equity and fixed income exposures may deviate by up to 5% from the strategic allocation. |
The equity portfolio seeks to prioritize bottom-up, fundamental analysis and maintains diversification across sectors, industries and types of businesses. Stock selection is intended to be the primary driver of alpha over time. |
The fixed income portfolio leverages inputs from portfolio managers, credit analysts, ESG analysts and traders to assess risk and reward opportunities across market sectors. |
All current and potential portfolio holdings are fully vetted from both a fundamental and ESG perspective. |
Investment Team
Vishal Khanduja, CFA
Managing Director, Co-Head Broad Markets Fixed Income
Joined Calvert Research and Management* in 2012
Managed Fund since 2013
Brian S. Ellis, CFA
Executive Director, Portfolio Manager
Joined Calvert Research and Management* in 2009
Managed Fund since 2015
Charles Gaffney
Managing Director, Portfolio Manager
Joined Calvert Research and Management* in 2016
Managed Fund since 2016
* Years at Calvert include years at Calvert Research and Management (CRM) and years at Calvert Investment Management (CIM).
Primary Benchmark - Russell 1000 Index |
Secondary Benchmark - Balanced Composite Benchmark |
The Balanced Composite Benchmark is an internally constructed benchmark which, as of 11/01/2015, is comprised of a blend of 60% Russell 1000 Index and 40% Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Aggregate Index. See the Fund's prospectus for additional information, including past benchmark composition. Rebalanced Monthly. |
Calvert Research and Management is an SEC registered investment adviser and wholly owned subsidiary of Eaton Vance Management. |